Sunday, June 15, 2008

june 14

June 14
Sleeping in this morning was a small feat. One thing that is hard to get used to here is the amount of daylight. We have yet to see it dark when we are awake. The sun rises while we are asleep and doesn’t set until almost after we’ve gone to bed. It’s crazy! Our day today was pretty full of work at camp. Some of the youth from the church came so we had a lot more people here today. Brandon and Ingmars did a little work wok for some tables today. At the end of this month Ingmars will be receiving in his diploma for carpentry so he knows what he is doing. The girls, four of us, took on the task of cleaning and organizing the attic area. It looks so much better now and you can actually find things. There was so much random junk up there however; it was really cool to find all the old books and papers. There were so many articles and pictures from the Nazi reign and from Soviet control in both Russian and Latvian and it was amazing to look over. This took most of the day to clean, but around 4:30 or so we had a little meal where we grilled some sausage outside and had some cucumber and tomatoes and cookies and wafers for desert. While Brandon and Ingmars finished up some more carpentry work, two of the other girls and I got to listen to some funny stories Romix had from past camp experiences and some of the people that are coming that we will be able to meet. After a little more organization in the dining hall, we called it a night and everyone went home to get some sleep for tomorrow for church, which we will be preparing a little something for. Tonight dinner will be leftovers from last night and lunch today so we know it will be good. We are so excited to be able to worship with the Latvians tomorrow in their own language and see how the Spirit moves despite the language barrier. The Lord has been so good to us and we know he will continue to provide for us along our journey.

1 comment:

Kelly Eckert said...

I am really intrigued and surprised to hear about the insane amount of daylight. I never knew this, but that IS cool.