Sunday, July 6, 2008

june 26

June 26

After a full of day of traveling, we relaxed for most of the rest of the day.  We put our stuff in the church in Riga and walked to a little restaurant near all of the fishing boats for dinner before Gatis picked up us to go back to camp.  Little did we know we were in for another adventure.  Gatis had a small car, and a full trunk.  Since there were four of us and all of our luggage, we had to pack strategically.    By that of course, I mean that we had bags between our legs, behind our heads, and in our laps.  Saying it was a full car would be an understatement.  So as though we had plenty of space, we stopped at the store on the way back to camp for some stuff.  All three of the guys went in and then packed even more stuff on top of us and in any open space we could find in the car.  Pair this with pumping euro trance music and you have one interesting ride.    We watched the last semi-final game of the Euro Cup (Spain vs. Russia – Spain won) before heading to bed.  It seems that travel days just seem to leave us whipped out.  Tomorrow begins the leadership retreat so we are excited for more people to show up!

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